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Dandruff Control | Boosting Immunity | Skin Exfoliation
Indus Valley Bio-Organic Rose Flower Powder is naturally obtained by crushing the shade-dried flower of organically grown rose flowers. No chemicals have been used while processing the powder and no artificial fragrances or colours have been used for packaging it. High in antioxidants and antibacterial properties, use it for intensive skincare and for beauty treatments.
The hydrating power of rose flowers helps lock in skin moisture, reduces skin dryness, battles fine lines, wrinkles and revives dull skin, turning it soft and supple with an even skin tone.
Packed with powerful antioxidants, this rose flower powder for hair will help improve moisture retention and help in ridding you off dandruff. It also helps nourish hair and adds lustre, turning hair soft and voluminous.
Its gentle exfoliating properties slough away the dead skin cells and dirt impurities, while its antibacterial properties detox the skin averting pimples and acne.
The natural astringent properties of rose flower powder fights free-radical damages, lightens suntan, refreshes and tones up the skin, uplifting skin complexion and health.
Mix 1 tablespoon each of rose flower powder and orange peel powder with some water and stir well to make a thick, smooth paste.
Apply all over your face and neck.
Keep it for 20 minutes.
Wash it off with normal water.
Mix equal amounts of rose flower powder and amla fruit powder with some almond oil and a few drops of lavender essential oil and prepare a thick smooth paste.
Apply all over your scalp and hair.
Keep it for 30 minutes.
Wash it off with a mild shampoo.
Mix 1 tablespoon of Rose Petals powder in a glass of water.
Drink regularly to boost immunity and improve digestion.